The National School Lunch Program (NSLP)


The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) is a federally assisted meal program that provides nutritionally balanced, low-cost or free lunches to children each school day. Students in residential child care programs, public schools and nonprofit private schools have access to this program. Eligibility is determined by federal guidelines.

A Brief History

President Harry Truman created the NSLP in 1971 through the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act. Free lunches were previously offered but no nationally standardized program existed.

Total Participants Over Time

Program success is generally measured by number of participants. In 1971, there were 24.1 million children in the NSLP. In 2010, there were 31.8 million.

Lunches Served Over Time

Program success can be measured in lunches served. In 1971, there were 3848.3 million lunches served. In 2010, the program peaked with 5278.4 million. Note that while the data is similar, it is not the same.

Free and Reduced Lunch Participants Over Time

The composition of free versus reduced price lunch recipients has also shifted over time. The number of people getting reduced price lunches is relatively stable. Numbers are growing faster for free lunch recipients. Here is the breakdown, in millions of people.

Participant Breakdown Based On Highest and Lowest Free Lunches

2016: Highest Number of Free Lunches

There was the highest number of free lunches in 2016. This is how the percentages of free, reduced and full priced lunch recipients measured then.

1969: Lowest Number of Free Lunches

There was the lowest number of free lunches in 1969, before the National School Lunch Act. The same percentages are shown below. There were no reduced price lunches before the NSLP.

Data Table

This table displays government data about the NSLP. All values are in millions except for fiscal years and the percent free over reduced price of total.

Fiscal Year Free Lunches Reduced Price Lunches Full Price Lunches Total Total Lunches Percent Free/Reduced Price of Total
Fiscal Year Free Lunches Reduced Price Lunches Full Price Lunches Total Total Lunches Percent Free/Reduced Price of Total